Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Memories of Graduation day

HoLding ON…

25012007153April 5,2008:

The day when everything we’ve worked so hard for is finally rewarded..


those words are synonymous to fulfillment, achievement, and success…

But as i was working on the Medtech’s baccalaureate "history" presentation..I had this funny feeling..then it dawned on me..No matter how excited I am that I’m days closer to having a year-round vacation, I can’t seem to let go of the fact that i’m about to leave something very familiar behind…
i guess i really am sentimental..But looking at all those pictures, and trying to decide what pictures should go in the movie presentation..I can’t help, but wish that that those photo collections would grow bigger and bigger..

Back to reality…
I know i can’t turn back time, and I know that those pictures would not grow in number anymore(except maybe if we still have more photo ops after graduation) i guess all i’ve got are those memories..

I had a lot of opportunities that made my stay in PMT worth treasuring..

i used to be the girl, working behind the scenes..but now, I am one of the front of the camera..and i have my friends to thank for that..
They believed in me..they were the ones, who pushed me to do things that i never thought i could..
I was timid and silent, when i first entered the department, but they taught me to express, and shout out, "THIS iS WHO I AM"…

So thanks,guys,for everything..

I moving on..but i will never ever learn to let go..coz all of these are worth holding on to…

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